
About Us

The crypto shop 'CRYPTO EXPRESS' has been operating since December 1, 2022, based on the license of the National Agency for Promising Projects of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and is the first official crypto shop in the republic and in the space of Central Asian and CIS countries. In our store, you can purchase digital assets for cash in national and foreign currencies, through bank transfers, and also sell them for national currency. At the same time, we do not carry out operations with anonymous assets or NFTs, as well as with crypto assets issued by residents of Uzbekistan. You can also get information about the crypto shop, daily updated rates of crypto assets, news from the industry, and much more in our Telegram channel and on our Instagram page. We strive to save our clients' valuable time, so we bring our energy and experience to create a quality service.


How can I buy USDT through your cryptocurrency store?

Firstly, you can visit our crypto store and purchase USDT by providing your documents offline for cash and non-cash types of mutual settlements. Secondly, through our website or mobile application. You need to register and verify. You are then given the option to purchase USDT.

What exchange rate can I purchase USDT at through your platform?

Every day we update buying and selling rates on our website.

I registered on your website but still can't buy USDT. Why?

In order to purchase USDT, you must undergo verification according to the rules of use of the platform.

How quickly does the cryptocurrency arrive in my wallet?

On average from one to five minutes. If the funds have not been credited to your account, please contact the site’s call center.

Where can I find more information about buying and selling cryptocurrencies?

You can find out through the chat admin. You will be fully advised on how to buy or sell a crypto asset.

Is it legal to buy cryptocurrency through you, and do you have a license for this activity?

Yes, absolutely. In November 2022, the National Agency for Advanced Projects (NAPP) issued our crypto store a license under the number CS #0003.




Apr 5-7, Botir Zakirov str, Tashkent City Mall B1 (-1) floor, Tashkent
